My name is Oran
I am an information designer for public transportation operators across the United States with CHK America and sister company Connectpoint. It was a hobby that became a career.
After two years of senioritis and an internship at the Seattle Department of Transportation, I earned my masters degree in transportation engineering from the University of Washington. I made many friends and learned that academia was not for me.
My parents are Thais who came to study in America and ended up staying. I was immersed in both cultures and call both Seattle and Bangkok my hometowns. Nowadays I am living car free in downtown Santa Barbara, California.
Since I am really interested in cities and transportation and you are reading this you probably have seen either my photography, my Seattle transit maps, my contributions to Seattle Transit Blog, or most likely my tweets.
and this is my website.
I once again have a personal website, a truly independent platform for whatever I want to share with the world. I have not counted how many I had since my first site in 1996.
There was much musing on the name. One day I had an epiphany, and sanjorn (สัญจร) popped into mind, It is a Thai word meaning “to travel, to roam”. It was reasonably short and perfectly reflected my interests!
The site is bilingual with content in English and Thai. Not all content is available in both languages.
Check out my Status page to see what I am up to at the moment. Notes are for recording unfinished thoughts, lists, brain dumps, and research. Messages are brief posts in the style of a microblog. Blog is for essays, stories, and journal entries. And Studio is where I present my projects and work.
Thanks for reading.